Reaching and Teaching

Illinois District Children's Ministries

Welcome to the site for the Illinois District Children's Ministries. The Illinois District Children's Ministries (ILDCM) is a department of the Illinois District United Pentecostal Church International. The motto of the ILDCM is "Reaching and Teaching". All of the ministries of ILDCM are made possible by the sacrificial giving of churches and individuals like you to the fundraiser "Save Our Children". Summer camps, outreach to children with incarcerated parents, an orphanage in Haiti, team building and scripture memorization through Jr. Bible Quizzing, are just some of the great things ILDCM is able to be a part of because of the generosity of people like you.
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Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.